New Bounds on the Size of Optimal Meshes

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The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
The theory of optimal size meshes gives a method for analyzing the output size (number of simplices) of a Delaunay refinement mesh in terms of the integral of a sizing function over the input domain. The input points define a maximal such sizing function called the feature size. This paper presents a way to bound the feature size integral in terms of an easy to compute property of a suitable ordering of the point set. The key idea is to consider the pacing of an ordered point set, a measure of the rate of change in the feature size as points are added one at a time. In previous work, Miller et al. showed that if an ordered point set has pacing Φ, then the number of vertices in an optimal mesh will be O(Φ<sup>d</sup>n), where d is the input dimension. We give a new analysis of this integral showing that the output size is only<br> θ(n+nlogΦ). The new analysis tightens bounds from several previous results and provides matching lower bounds. Moreover, it precisely characterizes inputs that yield outputs of size O(n).

, journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, title = {{
New Bounds on the Size of Optimal Meshes
}}, author = {
Sheehy, Donald R.
}, year = {
}, publisher = {
The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
}, ISSN = {
}, DOI = {
} }