Implementing Mesh-Based Approaches for Deformable Objects on GPU

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The Eurographics Association
These latest years witnessed an impressive improvement of graphics hardware both in terms of features and in terms of computational power. This improvement can be easily observed in computer games, where effects which, until few years ago, could only be achieved with expensive CPU computation are now shown interactively. Although the GPU has been designed for implementing graphics effects, it is still it basically a processing unit with its own memory, and, being specialized for algebraic tasks, supplies a number of floating point operations per second which is orders of magnitude greater than the CPU. This suggested to the graphics community that the GPU could also be used for general purpose computation and a number of papers have been published on how to hack the GPU to this target. Following this trend we propose a framework for using GPU for implementing techniques for deformable objects represented as generic meshes. The framework only assumes than the global computation is the union of local computations, which is true for all the explicit methods.

, booktitle = {
4th Eurographics Italian Chapter Conference
}, editor = {
S. Battiato and G. Gallo and F. Stanco
}, title = {{
Implementing Mesh-Based Approaches for Deformable Objects on GPU
}}, author = {
Ranzuglia, G.
Cignoni, P.
Ganovelli, F.
Scopigno, R.
}, year = {
}, publisher = {
The Eurographics Association
}, ISBN = {
}, DOI = {
} }