Quick-Pro-Build: A Web-based Approach for Quick Procedural 3D Reconstructions of Buildings

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The Eurographics Association
We present Quick-Pro-Build, a web-based approach for quick procedural 3D reconstruction of buildings. Our approach allows users to quickly and easily create realistic 3D models using two integrated reference views: street view and satellite view. We introduce a novel conditional and stochastic shape grammar to represent the procedural models based on the well-established CGA shape grammar. Based on our grammar and user interface, we propose 3 modalities for procedural modeling: 1) model from scratch, 2) copy, paste, and adapt, and 3) summarize, select and adapt. The third modality enables users to model a building by summarizing similar models into an architectural style description, selecting a model from the style description, and adapting it to the target building. Summarizing and selecting allows the third modality to be the most efficient option when modeling a building with a style similar to existing buildings. The third modality is enabled by a novel algorithm that can find and combine similarities from procedural models into a style description and allows learning the preference of the users for one model inside the style description.

CCS Concepts: Computing methodologies → Computer graphics

, booktitle = {
Eurographics 2023 - Short Papers
}, editor = {
Babaei, Vahid
Skouras, Melina
}, title = {{
Quick-Pro-Build: A Web-based Approach for Quick Procedural 3D Reconstructions of Buildings
}}, author = {
Bohlender, Bela
Mühlhäuser, Max
Guinea, Alejandro Sanchez
}, year = {
}, publisher = {
The Eurographics Association
}, ISSN = {
}, ISBN = {
}, DOI = {
} }