Constrained Convex Space Partition for Ray Tracing in Architectural Environments

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© 2017 The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
This paper explores constrained convex space partition (CCSP) as a new acceleration structure for ray tracing. A CCSP is a graph, representing a space partition made up of empty convex volumes. The scene geometry is located on the boundary of the convex volumes. Therefore, each empty volume is bounded with two kinds of faces: occlusive ones (belonging to the scene geometry), and non‐occlusive ones. Given a ray, ray casting is performed by traversing the CCSP one volume at a time, until it hits the scene geometry. In this paper, this idea is applied to architectural scenes. We show that CCSP allows to cast several hundreds of millions of rays per second, even if they are not spatially coherent. Experiments are performed for large furnished buildings made up of hundreds of millions of polygons and containing thousands of light sources.This paper explores constrained convex space partition (CCSP) as a new acceleration structure for ray tracing. A CCSP is a graph, representing a space partition made up of empty convex volumes. The scene geometry is located on the boundary of the convex volumes. Therefore, each empty volume is bounded with two kinds of faces: occlusive ones (belonging to the scene geometry), and non‐occlusive ones. Given a ray, ray casting is performed by traversing the CCSP one volume at a time, until it hits the scene geometry. In this paper, this idea is applied to architectural scenes.We show that CCSP allows to cast several hundreds of millions of rays per second, even if they are not spatially coherent. Experiments are performed for large furnished buildings made up of hundreds of millions of polygons and containing thousands of light sources.

, journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, title = {{
Constrained Convex Space Partition for Ray Tracing in Architectural Environments
}}, author = {
Maria, M.
Horna, S.
Aveneau, L.
}, year = {
}, publisher = {
© 2017 The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
}, ISSN = {
}, DOI = {
} }