A Virtual Design Museum

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The Eurographics Association
The "Virtual Design Museum" is a research that aims to investigate the possibilities of representating a virtual product with high cultural content, such as Industrial Design Products, using Virtual Reality techniques and methods.The product design is characterized by multiple facets in all its stages of development, starting from the first idea of the designer, related to historical, social and cultural context in which he operates, up to its forms of representation like initial sketches of the product, the creation of physical prototypes, technical drawing in which details are refined, the engineering that connects the aesthetic with the functional and productive characteristics, taking into account the manufacture complexity and the possible technological innovations and also the phases of packaging and advertising.The research illustrates some interesting opportunity to multiply the levels of narration of a product, analyzing of the concept of "design museum" and how it is declined in a variety of international experiences, and approaching the different meaning of ""virtual museum"", interpreted very differently depending on the various implementations.

, booktitle = {
Eurographics Italian Chapter Conference 2011
}, editor = {
Andrea F. Abate and Michele Nappi and Genny Tortora
}, title = {{
A Virtual Design Museum
}}, author = {
Morlando, Giorgia
Guidi, Gabriele
}, year = {
}, publisher = {
The Eurographics Association
}, ISBN = {
}, DOI = {
} }