Bringing Marketing methods to lnteraction Design: a study of Internet banking

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The Eurographics Association
The widespread commercial use of the Internet has brought user interface design to a huge, open and diversified environment where customers have more control over the interaction process. ln this context, improved methods are required to provide a deeper understanding of customer interaction requirements for Internet service provision, in order lo feed design with insightful directions for working in this environment. This paper presents the methodology used in a study of customer interaction requirements for Internet service provision in a multichannel Portuguese bank, using a multidisciplinary approach that brings Marketing methods into the requirements elicitation process of HCI. This study involved a qualitative stage with in-depth and focus group interviews, followed by a quantilative stage with two large scale surveys of bank customers. The results of the study show that Marketing brings a useful complemenl to the existing HCI methods in the requirements elicitation and design stages. ln particular, Marketing methods are especially useful to address large and diversified sets of potential users, in unconlrolled environments such as the Internet, where the customer inleraction experience is crucial to the adoption and success of interfaces.

, booktitle = {
Interacção 2004 - 1ª Conferência Nacional em Interacção Pessoa-Máquina
}, editor = {
Carriço, Luís and Correia, Nuno and Antunes, Pedro and Jorge, Joaquim
}, title = {{
Bringing Marketing methods to lnteraction Design: a study of Internet banking
}}, author = {
Patrício, Lia
Cunha, João Falcão e
Fisk, Raymond P.
}, year = {
}, publisher = {
The Eurographics Association
}, ISBN = {
}, DOI = {
} }