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EnVirVis 2024 colocated with EuroVis 2024 - 26th EG Conference on Visualization
Odense, Denmark | May 27, 2024
Application, Adaption and Validation of the Thermal Urban Road Normalization Algorithm in a European City
Friedrich Striewski, Ennio Luigi Comi, Fiona Tiefenbacher, Natalie Lack, Mattia Battaglia, and Susanne Bleisch
WeaVA: Weather Event Characterization Based on Citizen Reports
Dominique Haessig, Haiyan Yang, Renato Pajarola, and Alexandra Diehl
ExtremeWeatherVis: Visualizing Extreme Weather Events for Multi-City in Virtual Reality to Support Decision Making
Marzan Tasnim Oyshi, Danny Schober, Juliette-Michelle Burkhardt, Verena Maleska, Tillmann Auguszt, Linus Langhans, Richard Karl Fuchs, and Stefan Gumhold
A Flexible Architecture for Web-based GIS Applications using Docker and Graph Databases
Yves Annanias and Daniel Wiegreffe

BibTeX (EnvirVis2024)
booktitle = {
Workshop on Visualisation in Environmental Sciences (EnvirVis)},
editor = {
Dutta, Soumya
Feige, Kathrin
Rink, Karsten
Nsonga, Baldwin
}, title = {{
EnvirVis 2024: Frontmatter}},
author = {
Dutta, Soumya
Feige, Kathrin
Rink, Karsten
Nsonga, Baldwin
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-03868-260-8},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Workshop on Visualisation in Environmental Sciences (EnvirVis)},
editor = {
Dutta, Soumya
Feige, Kathrin
Rink, Karsten
Nsonga, Baldwin
}, title = {{
Application, Adaption and Validation of the Thermal Urban Road Normalization Algorithm in a European City}},
author = {
Striewski, Friedrich
Comi, Ennio Luigi
Tiefenbacher, Fiona
Lack, Natalie
Battaglia, Mattia
Bleisch, Susanne
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-03868-260-8},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Workshop on Visualisation in Environmental Sciences (EnvirVis)},
editor = {
Dutta, Soumya
Feige, Kathrin
Rink, Karsten
Nsonga, Baldwin
}, title = {{
WeaVA: Weather Event Characterization Based on Citizen Reports}},
author = {
Haessig, Dominique
Yang, Haiyan
Pajarola, Renato
Diehl, Alexandra
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-03868-260-8},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Workshop on Visualisation in Environmental Sciences (EnvirVis)},
editor = {
Dutta, Soumya
Feige, Kathrin
Rink, Karsten
Nsonga, Baldwin
}, title = {{
ExtremeWeatherVis: Visualizing Extreme Weather Events for Multi-City in Virtual Reality to Support Decision Making}},
author = {
Oyshi, Marzan Tasnim
Schober, Danny
Burkhardt, Juliette-Michelle
Maleska, Verena
Auguszt, Tillmann
Langhans, Linus
Fuchs, Richard Karl
Gumhold, Stefan
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-03868-260-8},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Workshop on Visualisation in Environmental Sciences (EnvirVis)},
editor = {
Dutta, Soumya
Feige, Kathrin
Rink, Karsten
Nsonga, Baldwin
}, title = {{
A Flexible Architecture for Web-based GIS Applications using Docker and Graph Databases}},
author = {
Annanias, Yves
Wiegreffe, Daniel
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-03868-260-8},
DOI = {


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 5
  • Item
    EnvirVis 2024: Frontmatter
    (The Eurographics Association, 2024) Dutta, Soumya; Feige, Kathrin; Rink, Karsten; Nsonga, Baldwin; Dutta, Soumya; Feige, Kathrin; Rink, Karsten; Nsonga, Baldwin
  • Item
    Application, Adaption and Validation of the Thermal Urban Road Normalization Algorithm in a European City
    (The Eurographics Association, 2024) Striewski, Friedrich; Comi, Ennio Luigi; Tiefenbacher, Fiona; Lack, Natalie; Battaglia, Mattia; Bleisch, Susanne; Dutta, Soumya; Feige, Kathrin; Rink, Karsten; Nsonga, Baldwin
    High resolution thermal infrared (TIR) remote sensing in the urban environment for building insulation inspection requires careful consideration of atmospheric and ground-located factors on the radiometric signal, with one being the microclimatic variability within the scene. Based on the assumption of roads as pseudo invariant objects, the TURN algorithm represents a tool to interpolate local temperature deviation within a scene and to normalize TIR-imagery in order to obtain a microclimate-free result. In this work we conduct adjustments, extensions and simplifications to the algorithm when applying it to a Middle- European urban environment. Based on research conducted in Aalen (Germany), we demonstrate our process of applying TURN for TIR-image normalization at high geometric resolutions and a scene composed of multiple adjacent flight-lines. Additionally, radiometric corrections to the TIR-image were applied prior to its processing by the algorithm. The corrections allow a validation of the TURN results by comparing them to ground-based reference data acquired during the flight with convincing agreement.
  • Item
    WeaVA: Weather Event Characterization Based on Citizen Reports
    (The Eurographics Association, 2024) Haessig, Dominique; Yang, Haiyan; Pajarola, Renato; Diehl, Alexandra; Dutta, Soumya; Feige, Kathrin; Rink, Karsten; Nsonga, Baldwin
    Observations of weather captured by citizens represent a novel and unique data source that can complement other authoritative sources, such as remote sensing, and help detect and characterize high-impact weather events. This work proposes a visual tool that characterizes weather events by visually analyzing online citizens' reports gathered by MeteoSwiss, the Swiss Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology. Our solution supports the visual exploration of selected features like weather event categories and intensities through time and space. It presents a novel clutter-free bubble map visualization that facilitates an easy exploration and quantification of weather reports. It allows the analysis at different zoom levels, supporting multiple interactive exploration features such as synchronous or asynchronous event histogram comparisons, clutter-free pie-chart map visualizations, and animations. We illustrate our approach with a series of use cases and findings. We performed a user study with domain experts from the national weather services in Switzerland, Austria, and Argentina to evaluate our tool's expressiveness, effectiveness, and easiness of use. We also list the benefits of our design, future work, and limitations.
  • Item
    ExtremeWeatherVis: Visualizing Extreme Weather Events for Multi-City in Virtual Reality to Support Decision Making
    (The Eurographics Association, 2024) Oyshi, Marzan Tasnim; Schober, Danny; Burkhardt, Juliette-Michelle; Maleska, Verena; Auguszt, Tillmann; Langhans, Linus; Fuchs, Richard Karl; Gumhold, Stefan; Dutta, Soumya; Feige, Kathrin; Rink, Karsten; Nsonga, Baldwin
    The occurrence and severity of extreme weather events are changing due to the impact of climate change, resulting in significant hazards to human lives and critical infrastructure. While data are abundant on the consequences of these extreme weather events, it is often challenging to communicate this data to the appropriate people in a way that resonates. In this paper, we present ExtremeWeatherVis to immersively visualize extreme weather events for multiple cities in Virtual Reality allowing user interaction with the temporal evaluation of specific events in day and night cycles from different viewpoints. The current visualization allows users to visualize potential heavy rainfall resulting in pluvial floods and heatwaves for Dresden, Bautzen, and New York. We conducted a user study, followed by a longitudinal study, to explore the effectiveness of our method in supporting decision-making by capturing participants' emotions. The emotional aspects of participants were assessed using three distinct AI models to investigate whether our method supports decision-making by enabling a sense of presence while capturing the emotions of the participants.
  • Item
    A Flexible Architecture for Web-based GIS Applications using Docker and Graph Databases
    (The Eurographics Association, 2024) Annanias, Yves; Wiegreffe, Daniel; Dutta, Soumya; Feige, Kathrin; Rink, Karsten; Nsonga, Baldwin
    Abstract Regional planning processes and associated redevelopment projects can be complex due to the vast amount of diverse data involved. However, all of this data shares a common geographical reference, especially in the renaturation of former open-cast mining areas. To ensure safety, it is crucial to maintain a comprehensive overview of the interrelated data and draw accurate conclusions. This requires special tools and can be a very time-consuming process. A geographical information system (GIS) is well-suited for this purpose, but even a GIS has limitations when dealing with multiple data types and sources. Additional tools are often necessary to process and view all the data, which can complicate the planning process. Our paper describes a system architecture that addresses the aforementioned issues and provides a simple, yet flexible tool for these activities. The architecture is based on microservices using Docker and is divided into a backend and a frontend. The backend simplifies and generalizes the integration of different data types, while a graph database is used to link relevant data and reveal potential new relationships between them. Finally, a modern web frontend displays the data and relationships.