Shape Deformations Based on Vector Fields
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Freiherr von Funck, Wolfram Alexander
This thesis explores applications of vector field processing to shape deformations. We present a novel method to construct divergence-free vector fields which are used to deform shapes by vector field integration. The resulting deformation is volume-preserving and no self-intersections occur. We add more controllability to this approach by introducing implicit boundaries, a shape editing method which resembles the well-known boundary constraint modeling metaphor. While the vector fields are originally defined in space, we also present a surface-based version of this approach which allows for more exact boundary selection and deformation control. We show that vectorfield-based shape deformations can be used to animate elastic motions without complex physical simulations. We also introduce an alternative approach to exactly preserve the volume of skinned triangle meshes. This is accomplished by constructing a displacement field on the mesh surface which restores the original volume after deformation. Finally, we demonstrate that shape deformation by vector field integration can also be used to visualize smoke-like streak surfaces in dynamic flow fields.