Influence of Orientation Offset between Control and Display Space on User Performance during the Rotation of 3D Objects

dc.contributor.authorDang, Nguyen-Thongen_US
dc.contributor.authorPergandi, Jean-Marieen_US
dc.contributor.authorCrison, Francken_US
dc.contributor.authorArdouin, Jérômeen_US
dc.contributor.authorMestre, Danielen_US
dc.contributor.editorMichitaka Hirose and Dieter Schmalstieg and Chadwick A. Wingrave and Kunihiro Nishimuraen_US
dc.description.abstractThis paper presents an exploratory investigation of the influence of orientation offset between control and display space on user performance in three-dimensional rotation tasks. A target-matching task was chosen as an experi-mental task; participants had to rotate an object (using an input device with 3 degree-of-freedom (DOF) in rota-tion) so that it matched the target, which was an object identical to the controlled object. Orientation of the con-trolled object was offset relative to the target's orientation by 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210, 240, 270, 300, 330 degrees. Those offsets were separately applied to each of the 3 axes of the target (vertical (X), horizontal (Y) and depth (Z) axes). Completion time and time series of orientation of the input device were collected. Results show strong effects of high values of offset (from 90° to 150° and from 210° to 270°) on user performance and user be-haviour. In addition, there was a difference in user performance and behaviour between orientation offsets on the Z-axis and those on the two other axes, apparently due to the form of the input device that was used. The findings from this investigation may contribute to the design of 3D input devices (with regard to issues on physical form-factors and on supports for rotation in particular) and that of techniques for the manipulation of 3D objects.en_US
dc.description.seriesinformationJoint Virtual Reality Conference of EGVE - ICAT - EuroVRen_US
dc.publisherThe Eurographics Associationen_US
dc.subjectCategories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS) H.5.2 [INFORMATION INTERFACES AND PRESENTATION]: User Interfaces-Theory and methods; I.3.6 [COMPUTER GRAPHICS]: Methodology and Techniques- Interactive Techniques.en_US
dc.titleInfluence of Orientation Offset between Control and Display Space on User Performance during the Rotation of 3D Objectsen_US
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