Prostate Cancer Visualization from MR Imagery and MR Spectroscopy

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The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Prostate cancer is one of the most prevalent cancers among males, and the use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been suggested for its detection. A framework is presented for scoring and visualizing various MR data in an efficient and intuitive manner. A classification method is introduced where a cumulative score volume is created which takes into account each of three acquisition types. This score volume is integrated into a volume rendering framework which allows the user to view the prostate gland, the multi-modal score values, and the sur- rounding anatomy. A visibility persistence mode is introduced to automatically avoid full occlusion of a selected score and indicate overlaps. The use of GPU-accelerated multi-modal single-pass ray casting provides an inter- active experience. User driven importance rendering allows the user to gain insight into the data and can assist in localization of the disease and treatment planning. We evaluate our results against pathology and radiologists' determinations.

, journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, title = {{
Prostate Cancer Visualization from MR Imagery and MR Spectroscopy
}}, author = {
Marino, Joseph
Kaufman, Arie
}, year = {
}, publisher = {
The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
}, ISSN = {
}, DOI = {
} }