PowerRTF: Power Diagram based Restricted Tangent Face for Surface Remeshing

dc.contributor.authorYao, Yuyouen_US
dc.contributor.authorLiu, Jingjingen_US
dc.contributor.authorFei, Yueen_US
dc.contributor.authorWu, Wenmingen_US
dc.contributor.authorZhang, Gaofengen_US
dc.contributor.authorYan, Dong-Mingen_US
dc.contributor.authorZheng, Lipingen_US
dc.contributor.editorMemari, Pooranen_US
dc.contributor.editorSolomon, Justinen_US
dc.description.abstractTriangular meshes of superior quality are important for geometric processing in practical applications. Existing approximative CVT-based remeshing methodology uses planar polygonal facets to fit the original surface, simplifying the computational complexity. However, they usually do not consider surface curvature. Topological errors and outliers can also occur in the close sheet surface remeshing, resulting in wrong meshes. With this regard, we present a novel method named PowerRTF, an extension of the restricted tangent face (RTF) in conjunction with the power diagram, to better approximate the original surface with curvature adaption. The idea is to introduce a weight property to each sample point and compute the power diagram on the tangent face to produce area-controlled polygonal facets. Based on this, we impose the variable-capacity constraint and centroid constraint to the PowerRTF, providing the trade-off between mesh quality and computational efficiency. Moreover, we apply a normal verification-based inverse side point culling method to address the topological errors and outliers in close sheet surface remeshing. Our method independently computes and optimizes the PowerRTF per sample point, which is efficiently implemented in parallel on the GPU. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness, flexibility, and efficiency of our method.en_US
dc.description.seriesinformationComputer Graphics Forum
dc.identifier.pages16 pages
dc.publisherThe Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.en_US
dc.subjectCCS Concepts: Computing methodologies -> Computer graphics; Shared memory algorithms
dc.subjectComputing methodologies
dc.subjectComputer graphics
dc.subjectShared memory algorithms
dc.titlePowerRTF: Power Diagram based Restricted Tangent Face for Surface Remeshingen_US