Visual Grouping - Follow the Leader!

We present an interactive system that provides users with automated techniques for grouping data, while shielding them from the technical aspects of these techniques. In our system users create visual data representations, called views, and choose a dataset for visualization in such views. From the resulting visualization and user actions on this visualization, the system derives the information that is used to automatically steer a grouping engine. Knowledge of data mining is not necessary; parameters and distance functions are automatically derived. In this easy to use system the user can efficiently create any grouping by incrementally manipulating groups with intuitive user actions. These actions allow the user to create, remove, and manipulate groups using a leader and follower metaphor. An implementation of the system has been created in a commercial data visualization tool.

, booktitle = {
EuroVis Workshop on Visual Analytics
}, editor = {
M. Pohl and H. Schumann
}, title = {{
Visual Grouping - Follow the Leader!
}}, author = {
Lammers, Thomas
Vliegen, Roel
Linden, Erik-Jan van der
Wetering, Huub van de
}, year = {
}, publisher = {
The Eurographics Association
}, ISBN = {
}, DOI = {
} }