Automatic architectural 3D model generation with sunlight simulation

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The Eurographics Association
Nowadays, 2D architectural design is provided with many good tools. But it lacks efficient tools that could help designers in early stages of a project for tasks such as virtual prototyping or 3D model simulation. The 3D model generation from 2D floorplans in general implies tedious manual effort. With a 3D model the designer could validate both the building structure and the space distribution. Natural lighting is also a basic feature in structures design as a correct sizing of the building openings allow a better exploration of daylight illumination, and consequently, could prevent artificial illumination needs. In this paper we present a tool that allows to obtain, in a highly automatic process, 3D architectural models from 2D floorplans. The system also provides sunlight simulation for visualization and interactive edition operations. It allows to re-model the openings of the structure with real-time sunlight visualization. The whole module can be integrated within a standard CAD architectural platform as a complement for fast virtual prototyping and validation designs in an early stage of the project. We present results showing its application for both conceptual designs and for a real building model.

, booktitle = {
SIACG 2006: Ibero-American Symposium in Computer Graphics
}, editor = {
Pere Brunet and Nuno Correia and Gladimir Baranoski
}, title = {{
Automatic architectural 3D model generation with sunlight simulation
}}, author = {
Mas, Albert
Besuievsky, Gonzalo
}, year = {
}, publisher = {
The Eurographics Association
}, ISBN = {
}, DOI = {
} }