Content Based Retrieval of VRML Objects - An Iterative and Interactive Approach

dc.contributor.authorElad, Michaelen_US
dc.contributor.authorTal, Ayelleten_US
dc.contributor.authorAr, Sigalen_US
dc.contributor.editorJ.A.Jorge and N.M.Correia and H.Jones and M.B.Kamegaien_US
dc.description.abstractWe examine the problem of searching a database of three-dimensional objects (given in VRML) for objects similar to a given object. We introduce an algorithm which is both iterative and interactive. Rather than base the search solely on geometric feature similarity, we propose letting the user influence future search results by marking some of the results of the current search as 'relevant' or 'irrelevant', thus indicating personal preferences. A novel approach, based on SVM, is used for the adaptation of the distant measure consistently with these markings, which brings the 'relevant' objects closer and pushes the 'irrelevant' objects farther. We show that in practice very few iterations are needed for the system to cenverge well on what the user 'had in mind'.en_US
dc.description.seriesinformationEurographics Multimedia Workshopen_US
dc.publisherThe Eurographics Associationen_US
dc.titleContent Based Retrieval of VRML Objects - An Iterative and Interactive Approachen_US