Analysis of Reproducing Real-World Appearance on Displays of Varying Dynamic Range

dc.contributor.authorYoshida, Akikoen_US
dc.contributor.authorMantiuk, Rafalen_US
dc.contributor.authorMyszkowski, Karolen_US
dc.contributor.authorSeidel, Hans-Peteren_US
dc.description.abstractWe conduct a series of experiments to investigate the desired properties of a tone mapping operator (TMO) and to design such an operator based on subjective data. We propose a novel approach to the tone mapping problem, in which the tone mapping parameters are determined based on the data from subjective experiments, rather than an image processing algorithm or a visual model. To collect this data, a series of experiments are conducted in which the subjects adjust three generic TMO parameters: brightness, contrast and color saturation. In two experiments, the subjects are to find a) the most preferred image without a reference image (preference task) and b) the closest image to the real-world scene which the subjects are confronted with (fidelity task). We analyze subjects choice of parameters to provide more intuitive control over the parameters of a tone mapping operator. Unlike most of the researched TMOs that focus on rendering for standard low dynamic range monitors, we consider a broad range of potential displays, each offering different dynamic range and brightness. We simulate capabilities of such displays on a high dynamic range (HDR) display. This allows us to address the question of how tone mapping needs to be adjusted to accommodate displays with drastically different dynamic ranges.Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): I.3.8 [Computer Graphics]: High dynamic range images, Visual perception, Tone mappingen_US
dc.description.seriesinformationComputer Graphics Forumen_US
dc.publisherThe Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing, Incen_US
dc.titleAnalysis of Reproducing Real-World Appearance on Displays of Varying Dynamic Rangeen_US