Field-Aligned and Lattice-Guided Tetrahedral Meshing
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Ni, Saifeng
Zhong, Zichun
Huang, Jin
Wang, Wenping
Guo, Xiaohu
Zhong, Zichun
Huang, Jin
Wang, Wenping
Guo, Xiaohu
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The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
We present a particle-based approach to generate field-aligned tetrahedral meshes, guided by cubic lattices, including BCC and FCC lattices. Given a volumetric domain with an input frame field and a user-specified edge length for the cubic lattice, we optimize a set of particles to form the desired lattice pattern. A Gaussian Hole Kernel associated with each particle is constructed. Minimizing the sum of kernels of all particles encourages the particles to form a desired layout, e.g., field-aligned BCC and FCC. The resulting set of particles can be connected to yield a high quality field-aligned tetrahedral mesh. As demonstrated by experiments and comparisons, the field-aligned and lattice-guided approach can produce higher quality isotropic and anisotropic tetrahedral meshes than state-of-the-art meshing methods.
journal = {Computer Graphics Forum},
title = {{Field-Aligned and Lattice-Guided Tetrahedral Meshing}},
author = {Ni, Saifeng and Zhong, Zichun and Huang, Jin and Wang, Wenping and Guo, Xiaohu},
year = {2018},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.},
ISSN = {1467-8659},
DOI = {10.1111/cgf.13499}