Hybrid XR Collaborative and Guided Experiences in Cultural Heritage: Brancacci POV Prototype
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Pescarin, Sofia
Cerato, Ivana
D'Annibale, Enzo
Fanini, Bruno
Ferdani, Daniele
Fà, Rachele Manganelli Del
Marasco, Alessandra
Massidda, Marcello
Palombini, Augusto
Ronchi, Diego
Cerato, Ivana
D'Annibale, Enzo
Fanini, Bruno
Ferdani, Daniele
Fà, Rachele Manganelli Del
Marasco, Alessandra
Massidda, Marcello
Palombini, Augusto
Ronchi, Diego
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The Eurographics Association
In this work, we present a research prototype of a hybrid XR experience for cultural tourism, accessible by any potential device, including immersive VR headsets. It has been designed to better answer visitors' expectations and to overcome the limitations offered by traditional Virtual Tours (VT). We present the conceptual model, prototype, applied case study and users survey. The overall result has shown how the development of a collaborative and guided experience, enhanced by the use of a gamified narrative, has produced an increased perception of authenticity of the VT.
CCS Concepts: Human-centered computing→Interaction design process and methods; Empirical studies in interaction design; Applied computing→Arts and humanities
booktitle = {Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage},
editor = {Bucciero, Alberto and Fanini, Bruno and Graf, Holger and Pescarin, Sofia and Rizvic, Selma},
title = {{Hybrid XR Collaborative and Guided Experiences in Cultural Heritage: Brancacci POV Prototype}},
author = {Pescarin, Sofia and Cerato, Ivana and D'Annibale, Enzo and Fanini, Bruno and Ferdani, Daniele and Fà, Rachele Manganelli Del and Marasco, Alessandra and Massidda, Marcello and Palombini, Augusto and Ronchi, Diego},
year = {2023},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {2312-6124},
ISBN = {978-3-03868-217-2},
DOI = {10.2312/gch.20231171}