EGGH86: Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware 1986

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Display Architecture for VLSI -based Graphics Workstations

Hagen, P. J. W. ten
Kujik, A. A.M.
Trienekens, C. G.

Looking at Workstation Architectures from the Viewpoint of Interaction

Krömker, Detlef

Towards a 3-D Graphics Workstation

Kaufmann, Arie

A Survey of Simulator Requirements

Joseph, H.

A Visual System for a Traffic Simulator

Möller, R.

Developments in High Performance CGI Systems

Grimsdale, R L.
Lister, P. F.

CSG Hidden Surface Algorithms for VLSI Hardware Systems

Jansen, Frederik W.

Towards a Z-Buffer and Ray-Tracing Multimode System based on Parallel Architecture and VLSI chips


AVLSI Chip for Ray Tracing Bicubic Patches

Pulleyblank, R W.
Kapenga, J.

"Position Paper:Display Hardware for Boolean Expression Models"

Thomas, A. L.

Utilization of VLSI for Creating an Active Data Base of 3-D Geometric Models

Skyttä, J.
Takala, T.

BibTeX (EGGH86: Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware 1986)
booktitle = {
Eurographics workshop on Graphics Hardware},
editor = {
W. Strasser
}, title = {{
Display Architecture for VLSI -based Graphics Workstations}},
author = {
Hagen, P. J. W. ten
Kujik, A. A.M.
Trienekens, C. G.
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1727-3471},
ISBN = {3-540-18222-5},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Eurographics workshop on Graphics Hardware},
editor = {
W. Strasser
}, title = {{
Looking at Workstation Architectures from the Viewpoint of Interaction}},
author = {
Krömker, Detlef
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1727-3471},
ISBN = {3-540-18222-5},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Eurographics workshop on Graphics Hardware},
editor = {
W. Strasser
}, title = {{
Towards a 3-D Graphics Workstation}},
author = {
Kaufmann, Arie
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1727-3471},
ISBN = {3-540-18222-5},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Eurographics workshop on Graphics Hardware},
editor = {
W. Strasser
}, title = {{
A Survey of Simulator Requirements}},
author = {
Joseph, H.
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1727-3471},
ISBN = {3-540-18222-5},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Eurographics workshop on Graphics Hardware},
editor = {
W. Strasser
}, title = {{
A Visual System for a Traffic Simulator}},
author = {
Möller, R.
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1727-3471},
ISBN = {3-540-18222-5},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Eurographics workshop on Graphics Hardware},
editor = {
W. Strasser
}, title = {{
Developments in High Performance CGI Systems}},
author = {
Grimsdale, R L.
Lister, P. F.
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1727-3471},
ISBN = {3-540-18222-5},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Eurographics workshop on Graphics Hardware},
editor = {
W. Strasser
}, title = {{
CSG Hidden Surface Algorithms for VLSI Hardware Systems}},
author = {
Jansen, Frederik W.
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1727-3471},
ISBN = {3-540-18222-5},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Eurographics workshop on Graphics Hardware},
editor = {
W. Strasser
}, title = {{
Towards a Z-Buffer and Ray-Tracing Multimode System based on Parallel Architecture and VLSI chips}},
author = {
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1727-3471},
ISBN = {3-540-18222-5},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Eurographics workshop on Graphics Hardware},
editor = {
W. Strasser
}, title = {{
AVLSI Chip for Ray Tracing Bicubic Patches}},
author = {
Pulleyblank, R W.
Kapenga, J.
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1727-3471},
ISBN = {3-540-18222-5},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Eurographics workshop on Graphics Hardware},
editor = {
W. Strasser
}, title = {{
"Position Paper:Display Hardware for Boolean Expression Models"}},
author = {
Thomas, A. L.
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1727-3471},
ISBN = {3-540-18222-5},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Eurographics workshop on Graphics Hardware},
editor = {
W. Strasser
}, title = {{
Utilization of VLSI for Creating an Active Data Base of 3-D Geometric Models}},
author = {
Skyttä, J.
Takala, T.
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1727-3471},
ISBN = {3-540-18222-5},
DOI = {


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 11 of 11
  • Item
    Display Architecture for VLSI -based Graphics Workstations
    (The Eurographics Association, 1986) Hagen, P. J. W. ten; Kujik, A. A.M.; Trienekens, C. G.; W. Strasser
    At present, two popular development areas in computer graphics are improvement ofinteraction behaviour and more realistic graphics.The architecture for a high quality interactive workstation proposed in this work isdesigned such that both demanding and in a sense competing needs can be served.Calculations for generating realistic full 3-D scenes with lighting, transparency,reflection, and refraction effects, are done on the workstation itself. Intermediateresults are stored to locally serve high level interaction mechanisms.
  • Item
    Looking at Workstation Architectures from the Viewpoint of Interaction
    (The Eurographics Association, 1986) Krömker, Detlef; W. Strasser
    Today's design of sophisticated graphics workstations may be characterized by the terms 3D-system, user driven, object-oriented user interfaceand multiple-windows system with the challenge to create high levelinterfaces for the application programmers. All these properties requirea great amount of computing power, especially if we look at 3D-systemswith high images quality. On the other hand it is well-known that speed,which means system response time, is the most important aspect of interactive systems. More than any other attributes, speed decides whether a new system or technique is acceptable or not. "Not only did the speed make the user happier, but productivity went up." /Brad-85/This will be the first point of discussion treated in this article followed bya preview of current architectures, a short analysis of interaction, anobservation of implementation techniques and finally pointing out a newhardware approach for the implementation of very fast interactive systems.
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    Towards a 3-D Graphics Workstation
    (The Eurographics Association, 1986) Kaufmann, Arie; W. Strasser
    A voxel-map based architecture which lays the foundations for a 3-D graphics workstation,called the CUBE Workstation, is presented. The architecture is centered around a largecubic frame-buffer of voxels, operated on by three processors: a 9-D Geometry Processorwhich scan-converts geometric objects into their voxel representation, a 9-D Frame-BufferProcessor which manipulates the voxel-based images and controls interaction, and a 9-DViewing Processor which projects the images on a 2-D monitor. Two other supportingprocessors, the 2-D Frame-Buffer Processor which manipulates the 2-D images and theColor Transform Processor which handles color transformations, are also introduced.
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    A Survey of Simulator Requirements
    (The Eurographics Association, 1986) Joseph, H.; W. Strasser
    Simulators have been developed to train pilots, sailors or car drivers withoutthe costs and risks of moving their real vehicles. To obtain high success intraining, the simulators have to provide a high level of realism. Therequirements of simulators and their CIG-system, especially the 'real time'requirement, result from this need for realism. 'Real time' means, the systemhas to react in less than 150 ms after the trainnee has made an input.
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    A Visual System for a Traffic Simulator
    (The Eurographics Association, 1986) Möller, R.; W. Strasser
    The prototype of a modular CGI-system for real time simulation in atraffic simulator will be presented. It will be shown, that withthe proposed configuration of a large asymmetric multiprocessorsystem, organized in different layers of homogenous partial, systems, and an overlayed pipeline - architecture the usage ofcommon hardware components is generally possible for the realizationof low cost solutions.
  • Item
    Developments in High Performance CGI Systems
    (The Eurographics Association, 1986) Grimsdale, R L.; Lister, P. F.; W. Strasser
    This contribution describes some work being undertaken in the design andimplementation of architectures for high performance Computer Image Generationfor a range of applications from workstations to flight simulator visual systems.The work to be described uses a model based on a polygon representation anduses a Geometry Processor sub-system, with a flexible architecture known asMAGIC. This system performs the transformation of the polygon from the 3-Drepresentation to the 2-D perspective projection to the viewing screenco-ordinates and also provides a clipping operation optional in 3-D or 2-D.Two different types of scan conversion system are described, the first the ZoneManagement Processor uses the coherence inherent in the polygon and thesecond system based on a Line Processor uses coherence with spans.
  • Item
    CSG Hidden Surface Algorithms for VLSI Hardware Systems
    (The Eurographics Association, 1986) Jansen, Frederik W.; W. Strasser
    Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) is a solid modeling representation thatdefines objects ·as Boolean combinations of primitive solids. For thedisplay of such objects, both the visibility problem and the problem ofcombining the primitive solids into one composite object have to be solved.Recently, several CSG hidden surface algorithms have been published thatreduce these two problems to a combination of simple depth comparisons andlogical operations at the pixel level that can be performed in VLSI hardwaredisplay systems. An overview of these algorithms is given. Furthermore,a CSG depth-buffer algorithm is presented that combines these algorithms.
  • Item
    Towards a Z-Buffer and Ray-Tracing Multimode System based on Parallel Architecture and VLSI chips
    (The Eurographics Association, 1986) P.Lemy,; W. Strasser
    After the hidden surfaces algorithms for 3D rastergraphics, hardware design isthe main problem, for many applicat ions, such as : Audiovisual animat ions. CADCAM,and simulation.After a short description of our CUBI 7 system (a 3D real-time Z-buffer system),and its CRISTAL module which increases RAY-TRACING computations, we present ourhardware project based on :-Parallel architecture for RAY-TRACING, special effects ; This module is alsouseful for pre-processing the image : (rotations, clipping, perspective transform... ).-A or Z-BUFFER which will be designed on VLSI chips polygon filling will be alsodesigned with pipe-lined chips."
  • Item
    AVLSI Chip for Ray Tracing Bicubic Patches
    (The Eurographics Association, 1986) Pulleyblank, R W.; Kapenga, J.; W. Strasser
    A VLSI chip for ray tracing bicubic patches in Bezier form is explored. The purpose of the chip is to calculate the intersection point of a ray with the bicubic patch to a specified level of accuracy, returning the location of the intersection on the patch and on the ray. This is done by computing the intersection of the ray with a bounding volume of the patch and repeatedly subdividing the patch until the bounding volume of subpatches hit by the ray is smaller than the accuracy requirement. There are two operating modes, one in which only the nearest intersection is found and another in which all intersections are found. This algorithm correctly handles rays tangentially intersecting a planar patch and ray intersections at a silhouette edge of the patch. Estimates indicate that such a chip could be implemented in 2 micron NMOS and could compute patch/ray intersections at the rate of one every 15 microseconds for patches that are prescaled and specified to 12 bits fixed point for each of the x, y and z components. A version capable of handling 24 bit patches could compute patch/ray intersections at the rate of one every 140 microseconds. Images drawn using a software version of the algorithm are presented and discussed.
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    "Position Paper:Display Hardware for Boolean Expression Models"
    (The Eurographics Association, 1986) Thomas, A. L.; W. Strasser
    In any discussion of graphics hardware there appear to be two basic positions which can be adopted. The first is that of the technologist, who is primarily concerned with what it is possible to make and how to make it. The second is that of the system designer who is more interested in what it would be desirable to make. To be a designer it is necessary to have a view of the future ... or at least a view of a plausible future! This is only possible with a reasonably sound idea of what the technologists might be persuaded to provide. I suspect that most of the "images of the future" which have guided or moulded current proposals have been around for some time. In spite of this it is a good preliminary exercise to set out a brief statement of the main ideas Which lie behind current developments, before homing in on specific hardware proposals.
  • Item
    Utilization of VLSI for Creating an Active Data Base of 3-D Geometric Models
    (The Eurographics Association, 1986) Skyttä, J.; Takala, T.; W. Strasser
    Parallelism of geometric computation can be achieved by distributing the computation efforts according to essentially three different strategies, based on functional, spatial and structural division, respectively (Mantyla 1983). The conventional and already commercialized way to introduce parallel computation for viewing 3-D geometric models is employing functional parallelism as a pipeline for performing different sequential transformation phases of the 3-D viewing operation (Clark 1981). This approach limits the number of parallel activities to the number of separable functional computational modules. A second approach for parallelism is the division of the modeling space into separable volume elements, which can be processed independently using a suitable data structure like an octree(Kronlof 1985). The logical component structure of a model gives a third distribution strategy. Then each processor answers only to the computational needs of its assigned objects.