42-Issue 7
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Pacific Graphics 2023 - Symposium Proceedings
Daejeon, South Korea || October 10 – 13, 2023
(for Short Papers and Posters see PG 2023 - Short Papers and Posters)
Daejeon, South Korea || October 10 – 13, 2023
(for Short Papers and Posters see PG 2023 - Short Papers and Posters)
Neural Rendering
IBL-NeRF: Image-Based Lighting Formulation of Neural Radiance Fields
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Learning to Generate and Manipulate 3D Radiance Field by a Hierarchical Diffusion Framework
with CLIP Latent
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Robust Novel View Synthesis with Color Transform Module
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Meso-Skeleton Guided Hexahedral Mesh Design
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A Surface Subdivision Scheme Based on Four-Directional S^1_3 Non-Box Splines
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Groupwise Shape Correspondence Refinement with a Region of Interest Focus
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Procedural Modeling and Model Extraction
Data-guided Authoring of Procedural Models of Shapes
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Authoring Terrains with Spatialised Style
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Cloth Simulation
D-Cloth: Skinning-based Cloth Dynamic Prediction with a Three-stage Network
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Controllable Garment Image Synthesis Integrated with Frequency Domain Features
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Combating Spurious Correlations in Loose-fitting Garment Animation Through Joint-Specific
Feature Learning
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Modeling by Learning
CP-NeRF: Conditionally Parameterized Neural Radiance Fields for Cross-scene Novel View
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Interactive Authoring of Terrain using Diffusion Models
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Structure Learning for 3D Point Cloud Generation from Single RGB Images
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Face Reconstruction
Neural Shading Fields for Efficient Facial Inverse Rendering
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Facial Image Shadow Removal via Graph-based Feature Fusion
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A Perceptual Shape Loss for Monocular 3D Face Reconstruction
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Sketch-based Modeling
Efficient Interpolation of Rough Line Drawings
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Sharing Model Framework for Zero-Shot Sketch-Based Image Retrieval
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GA-Sketching: Shape Modeling from Multi-View Sketching with Geometry-Aligned Deep Implicit
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Virtual Humans
Semantics-guided Generative Diffusion Model with a 3DMM Model Condition for Face Swapping
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Palette-Based and Harmony-Guided Colorization for Vector Icons
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Multi-Level Implicit Function for Detailed Human Reconstruction by Relaxing SMPL
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Multi-Modal Face Stylization with a Generative Prior
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Computational Fabrication
An Efficient Self-supporting Infill Structure for Computational Fabrication
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Fabricatable 90° Pop-ups: Interactive Transformation of a 3D Model into a Pop-up Structure
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Volumetric Reconstruction
Efficient Neural Representation of Volumetric Data using Coordinate-Based Networks.
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A Differential Diffusion Theory for Participating Media
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Precomputed Radiative Heat Transport for Efficient Thermal Simulation
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Multi-scale Iterative Model-guided Unfolding Network for NLOS Reconstruction
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Robust Distribution-aware Color Correction for Single-shot Images
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Enhancing Low-Light Images: A Variation-based Retinex with Modified Bilateral Total
Variation and Tensor Sparse Coding
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Motion Capture and Generation
MOVIN: Real-time Motion Capture using a Single LiDAR
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DAFNet: Generating Diverse Actions for Furniture Interaction by Learning Conditional Pose
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OptCtrlPoints: Finding the Optimal Control Points for Biharmonic 3D Shape Deformation
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Image Editing and Color
Integrating High-Level Features for Consistent Palette-based Multi-image Recoloring
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Data-Driven Ink Painting Brushstroke Rendering
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Continuous Layout Editing of Single Images with Diffusion Models
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Images, Vectorization, and Layouts
Error-bounded Image Triangulation
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Dissection Puzzles Composed of Multicolor Polyominoes
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H-ETC2: Design of a CPU-GPU Hybrid ETC2 Encoder
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Details and Styles on 3D Models
Refinement of Hair Geometry by Strand Integration
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Fine Back Surfaces Oriented Human Reconstruction for Single RGB-D Images
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Learning-based Reflectance
Deep Shape and SVBRDF Estimation using Smartphone Multi-lens Imaging
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SVBRDF Reconstruction by Transferring Lighting Knowledge
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Dynamic Scenes
World-Space Spatiotemporal Path Resampling for Path Tracing
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Efficient Caustics Rendering via Spatial and Temporal Path Reuse
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3D Object Tracking for Rough Models
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Learning and Image Processing
A Post Processing Technique to Automatically Remove Floater Artifacts in Neural Radiance
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MAPMaN: Multi-Stage U-Shaped Adaptive Pattern Matching Network for Semantic Segmentation of
Remote Sensing Images
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Balancing Rotation Minimizing Frames with Additional Objectives
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Radiance and Appearance
Generating Parametric BRDFs from Natural Language Descriptions
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Neural Impostor: Editing Neural Radiance Fields with Explicit Shape Manipulation
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Reconstructing 3D Human Pose from RGB-D Data with Occlusions
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Color Harmonization on Images
Fast Grayscale Morphology for Circular Window
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BubbleFormer: Bubble Diagram Generation via Dual Transformer Models
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