EG 2016 - Tutorials
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Visual Attention from a Graphics Point of View
Kenneth Holmqvist, Eakta Jain, Olivier Le Meur, and Sumanta N. Pattanaik
Deep Learning for Shape Analysis
Michael Bronstein, Evangelos Kalogerakis, Emanuele Rodola, Jonathan Masci, and Davide
3D Characters for Virtual Reality
Veronica Orvalho, Catarina Runa, and John P. Lewis
Advances in Geometry and Reflectance Acquisition
Michael Weinmann, Fabian Langguth, Michael Goesele, and Reinhard Klein
Algorithms and Techniques for Virtual Camera Control
Roberto Ranon, Marc Christie, and Christophe Lino
The HDR-video Pipeline
Jonas Unger, Francesco Banterle, Gabriel Eilertsen, and RafaĆ K. Mantiuk
Sketch-based Modeling
Frederic Cordier, Karan Singh, Even Etem, Marie-Paule Cani, and Yotam Gingold
Information Theory in Visualization
Min Chen, Mateu Sbert, Han-Wei Shen, Ivan Viola, Anton Bardera, and Miquel Feixas
Recent Submissions
Item EUROGRAPHICS 2016: Tutorials Frontmatter(Eurographics Association, 2016) Sousa, A. Augusto; Bouatouch, Kadi;Item Visual Attention from a Graphics Point of View(The Eurographics Association, 2016) Holmqvist, Kenneth; Jain, Eakta; Meur, Olivier Le; Pattanaik, Sumanta N.; Augusto Sousa and Kadi BouatouchEye movements are a reliable indicator of overt visual attention. Because multiple factors influence where people attend in images, understanding how our attention is deployed and predicting where we look at are challenging, and a subject of ongoing research across the world. This tutorial reviews 4 main points: - In the first part of the tutorial, we will discuss eye tracking methodology and methods for analyzing eye tracking data. - As we expect to soon find gaze recording devices on hand-held devices, researchers have explored the use of eye tracking as a form of implicit user input to computational algorithms. We will review existing literature, with a focus on attention-driven image, and video editing. - In parallel to these gaze contingent applications, we will present the strengths and weaknesses of computational models of visual attention, with a special emphasis on saccadic models. - Finally, we will discuss how saliency models could be used to add efficiencies to graphics applications, with a focus on compression, and rendering.Item Deep Learning for Shape Analysis(The Eurographics Association, 2016) Bronstein, Michael; Kalogerakis, Evangelos; Rodola, Emanuele; Masci, Jonathan; Boscaini, Davide; Augusto Sousa and Kadi BouatouchThe past decade in computer vision research has witnessed the re-emergence of deep learning, and in particular convolutional neural network (CNN) techniques, allowing to learn powerful image feature representations from large collections of examples. Nevertheless, when attempting to apply standard deep learning methods to geometric data which by its nature is non-Euclidean (e.g. 3D shapes, graphs), one has to face fundamental differences between images and geometric objects. The purpose of this tutorial is to overview the foundations and the state of the art on learning techniques for 3D shape analysis. Special focus will be put on deep learning (CNN) applied to Euclidean and non-Euclidean manifolds for tasks of shape classification, retrieval and correspondence. The tutorial will present in a new light the problems of shape analysis, emphasizing the analogies and differences with the classical 2D setting and showing how to adapt popular learning schemes to deal with deformable shapes.Item 3D Characters for Virtual Reality(The Eurographics Association, 2016) Orvalho, Veronica; Runa, Catarina; Lewis, John P.; Augusto Sousa and Kadi BouatouchCreating a 3D avatar that looks like a specific person is timeÂconsuming, requires expert artists, expensive equipment and a complex pipeline. In this tutorial we explain the different stages of a traditional character animation pipeline: modeling, rigging and animation. But, most important we describe how each of this stages bind together and which are the challenges developers face today at each stage. Our ultimate goal is to explain stepÂbyÂstep the creation of a unified facial animation pipeline. We build the tutorial over our experience on what worked, what didn't work, why we did what we did and how we are planning to improve in the future. Given the popularity of Virtual Reality since the launching of Oculus Rift, we also describe how a traditional animation pipeline can be applied in Virtual Reality, it's challenges, limitations and potential. Throughout the tutorial we introduce the theoretical background for character animation and present the current state of the art in this field. Last, we aim to trigger a discussion to analyse different lines of research that emerge by bringing together traditional character animation and Virtual Reality.Item Algorithms and Techniques for Virtual Camera Control(The Eurographics Association, 2016) Ranon, Roberto; Christie, Marc; Lino, Christophe; Augusto Sousa and Kadi BouatouchCamera control is required in nearly all interactive 3D applications and presents a particular combination of different technical challenges. This tutorial will present recent and novel research ideas to handling a user's viewpoint on a scene in interactive, semi-automatic, and fully declarative camera control situations, covering a range of techniques from path-planning, visibility computation, optimal viewpoint computation and continuity editing. A specific part of the tutorial will be dedicated to virtual cinematography, and how it can draw inspiration from data and knowledge in real cinematography. Our presentation will include numerous live examples from both commercial systems and research prototypes, running in Unity and Motion Builder systems. Some of the tools, algorithms and datasets that will be presented will be also made, for the first time, available to the community.Item Advances in Geometry and Reflectance Acquisition(The Eurographics Association, 2016) Weinmann, Michael; Langguth, Fabian; Goesele, Michael; Klein, Reinhard; Augusto Sousa and Kadi BouatouchThis tutorial is focused on acquisition methods for geometry and reflectance as well as strategies towards an efficient acquisition pipeline to fulfill the demands of industry with respect to mass digitization of 3D contents. We provide a thorough overview of the standard methods for the acquisition of both geometry and reflectance of surfaces with different types of reflectance behavior ranging from diffuse over opaque to specular surfaces or even translucent and transparent surfaces as well as the necessary preliminaries of material appearance and setup calibration. As standard acquisition techniques are only well-suited for a limited range of surface materials, we will also discuss strategies on how an efficient, fully automatic acquisition can still be achieved when no prior information with respect to the surface reflectance behavior is available. In addition, a discussion of strategies regarding an acquisition in the wild, i.e. under uncontrolled conditions, is provided.Item The HDR-video Pipeline(The Eurographics Association, 2016) Unger, Jonas; Banterle, Francesco; Eilertsen, Gabriel; Mantiuk, RafaĆ K.; Augusto Sousa and Kadi BouatouchHigh dynamic range (HDR) video technology has gone through remarkable developments over the last few years; HDR-video cameras are being commercialized, new algorithms for color grading and tone mapping specifically designed for HDR-video have recently been proposed, and the first open source compression algorithms for HDR- video are becoming available. HDR-video represents a paradigm shift in imaging and computer graphics, which has and will continue to generate a range of both new research challenges and applications. This intermediate- level tutorial will give an in-depth overview of the full HDR-video pipeline present several examples of state-of- the-art algorithms and technology in HDR-video capture, tone mapping, compression and specific applications in computer graphics.Item Sketch-based Modeling(The Eurographics Association, 2016) Cordier, Frederic; Singh, Karan; Etem, Even; Cani, Marie-Paule; Gingold, Yotam; Augusto Sousa and Kadi BouatouchSketching is one of the most natural ways to exchange ideas. It has been used by human beings since prehistory. Research has shown that human beings have an inherent ability to understand sketches. This is why sketch-based interfaces for 3D modeling are so appealing; creating and animating 3D shapes could become as simple as drawing with a tablet and a digital pen. The purpose of this tutorial is to explore the most important aspects of sketch-based modeling, from the preprocessing of sketch strokes to the problem of 3D reconstruction. We will first explain some aspects of how humans interpret sketches. The second part of the tutorial will be dedicated to the problem of filtering and processing strokes. Other parts of the tutorial will focus on the sketch-based modeling of curves and surfaces using multi-view and single-view sketches. Sketch-based modeling using prior-knowledge will be also discussed; this class of methods is particularly well adapted to the 3D reconstruction of complex shapes. The last part of the tutorial addresses sketch-based interfaces for editing 3D shapes.Item Information Theory in Visualization(The Eurographics Association, 2016) Chen, Min; Sbert, Mateu; Shen, Han-Wei; Viola, Ivan; Bardera, Anton; Feixas, Miquel; Augusto Sousa and Kadi BouatouchIn this half-day tutorial, we review a variety of applications of information theory in visualization. The holistic nature of information-theoretic reasoning has enabled many such applications, ranging from light placement to view selection, from feature highlighting to transfer function design, from data fusion to visual multiplexing, and so on. Perhaps the most exciting application is the potential for information theory to underpin the discipline of visualization, for example, mathematically confirming the benefit of visualization in data intelligence.