Expressive 2016 - Posters, Artworks, and Bridging Papers
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What Auto Completion Tells Us About Sketch Recognition
Interactive Oil Paint Filtering On Mobile Devices
Building a Gold Standard for Perceptual Sketch Similarity
Gaze-Based Biometric Authentication: Hand-Eye Coordination Patterns as a Biometric Trait
Alchimia: an Inexplicable or Mysterious Transmutation, a Seemingly Magical Process of
Transformation, Creation, or Combination
The Rhythm of Consumption
The Aesthetics of Routine
Bridging Papers
Composition and Perception beyond Photorealism
Artistic Inspired Data Visualization Design Process
Bodygraphe: Gestural Computing for Visual Music
Relational Interactive Art: A Framework for Interaction in a Social Context
BibTeX (Expressive 2016 - Posters, Artworks, and Bridging Papers)
@inproceedings{10.2312:exp.20161254,booktitle = {Expressive 2016 - Posters, Artworks, and Bridging Papers},editor = {Ergun Akleman, Lyn Bartram, Anıl Çamcı, Angus Forbes, Penousal Machado}, title = {{What Auto Completion Tells Us About Sketch Recognition}},author = {Altiok, Ozan CanandYesilbek, Kemal TugrulandSezgin, Tevfik Metin}, year = {2016},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISBN = {978-3-03868-021-5},DOI = {10.2312/exp.20161254}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:exp.20161255,booktitle = {Expressive 2016 - Posters, Artworks, and Bridging Papers},editor = {Ergun Akleman, Lyn Bartram, Anıl Çamcı, Angus Forbes, Penousal Machado}, title = {{Interactive Oil Paint Filtering On Mobile Devices}},author = {Semmo, AmirandTrapp, MatthiasandPasewaldt, SebastianandDöllner, Jürgen}, year = {2016},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISBN = {978-3-03868-021-5},DOI = {10.2312/exp.20161255}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:exp.20161256,booktitle = {Expressive 2016 - Posters, Artworks, and Bridging Papers},editor = {Ergun Akleman, Lyn Bartram, Anıl Çamcı, Angus Forbes, Penousal Machado}, title = {{Building a Gold Standard for Perceptual Sketch Similarity}},author = {Cakmak, S.andSezgin, T. M.}, year = {2016},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISBN = {978-3-03868-021-5},DOI = {10.2312/exp.20161256}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:exp.20161257,booktitle = {Expressive 2016 - Posters, Artworks, and Bridging Papers},editor = {Ergun Akleman, Lyn Bartram, Anıl Çamcı, Angus Forbes, Penousal Machado}, title = {{Gaze-Based Biometric Authentication: Hand-Eye Coordination Patterns as a Biometric Trait}},author = {Çig, ÇaglaandSezgin, Tevfik Metin}, year = {2016},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISBN = {978-3-03868-021-5},DOI = {10.2312/exp.20161257}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:exp.20161259,booktitle = {Expressive 2016 - Posters, Artworks, and Bridging Papers},editor = {Ergun Akleman, Lyn Bartram, Anıl Çamcı, Angus Forbes, Penousal Machado}, title = {{The Rhythm of Consumption}},author = {Maçãs, CatarinaandMachado, Penousal}, year = {2016},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISBN = {978-3-03868-021-5},DOI = {10.2312/exp.20161259}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:exp.20161258,booktitle = {Expressive 2016 - Posters, Artworks, and Bridging Papers},editor = {Ergun Akleman, Lyn Bartram, Anıl Çamcı, Angus Forbes, Penousal Machado}, title = {{Alchimia: an Inexplicable or Mysterious Transmutation, a Seemingly Magical Process of Transformation, Creation, or Combination}},author = {Veiga, P. A.}, year = {2016},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISBN = {978-3-03868-021-5},DOI = {10.2312/exp.20161258}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:exp.20161263,booktitle = {Expressive 2016 - Posters, Artworks, and Bridging Papers},editor = {Ergun Akleman, Lyn Bartram, Anıl Çamcı, Angus Forbes, Penousal Machado}, title = {{Bodygraphe: Gestural Computing for Visual Music}},author = {Garcia, E.andMcGraw, T.}, year = {2016},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISBN = {978-3-03868-021-5},DOI = {10.2312/exp.20161263}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:exp.20161260,booktitle = {Expressive 2016 - Posters, Artworks, and Bridging Papers},editor = {Ergun Akleman, Lyn Bartram, Anıl Çamcı, Angus Forbes, Penousal Machado}, title = {{The Aesthetics of Routine}},author = {Correia, Ana BeatrizandMachado, Penousal}, year = {2016},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISBN = {978-3-03868-021-5},DOI = {10.2312/exp.20161260}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:exp.20161262,booktitle = {Expressive 2016 - Posters, Artworks, and Bridging Papers},editor = {Ergun Akleman, Lyn Bartram, Anıl Çamcı, Angus Forbes, Penousal Machado}, title = {{Artistic Inspired Data Visualization Design Process}},author = {Etemad, KatayoonandSamavati, FaramarzandCarpendale, Sheelagh}, year = {2016},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISBN = {978-3-03868-021-5},DOI = {10.2312/exp.20161262}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:exp.20161261,booktitle = {Expressive 2016 - Posters, Artworks, and Bridging Papers},editor = {Ergun Akleman, Lyn Bartram, Anıl Çamcı, Angus Forbes, Penousal Machado}, title = {{Composition and Perception beyond Photorealism}},author = {Ji, LiandWyvill, BrianandGammon, LyndaandGooch, Amy}, year = {2016},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISBN = {978-3-03868-021-5},DOI = {10.2312/exp.20161261}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:exp.20161264,booktitle = {Expressive 2016 - Posters, Artworks, and Bridging Papers},editor = {Ergun Akleman, Lyn Bartram, Anıl Çamcı, Angus Forbes, Penousal Machado}, title = {{Relational Interactive Art: A Framework for Interaction in a Social Context}},author = {Cabrita, NunoandBernardes, Gilberto}, year = {2016},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISBN = {978-3-03868-021-5},DOI = {10.2312/exp.20161264}}