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Tutorial 1 -Advanced Radiosity:Complex Scenes and Glossy Reflections

Stamminger, Marc
Wexler, Daniel
Kresse, Wolfram
Holzschuch, Nicolas
Christensen, Per H.

Tutorial 2 - Level-of-Detail in Surface and Volume Modeling

De Floriani, Leila
Puppo, Enrico
Cignoni, Paolo
Scopigno, Roberto

Tutorial 6 - Rendering and Visualization in Parallel Environments

Bartz, Dirk
Schneider, Bengt-Olaf
Silva, Claudio

Tutorial 5 - Integrated Environments for Cultural HeritageKnowledgeIntegrated Environments for Cultural HeritageKnowledge

Caputo, B.
Moltedo, L.
Troncone, A.
Vitulano, D.
Pedersini, F.
Sarti, A.
Tubaro, S.
Salvetti, O.
Salonia, P.
Rossi, M.

Tutorial 4 - Advanced Graphics Programming using OpenGL and Extensions

Westermann, R.
Heidrich, W.
Sommer, O.

Tutorial 7 - 3D Graphics Programming with Java 3D

Nadeau, David R.
Sowizral, Henry A.

Tutorial 3 - Whats Happening in Collaborative Engineering?

Machover, Carl

Tutorial 8 - Adaptive Graphics Generation in theUser InterfaceAdaptive Graphics Generation in theUser Interface

Rist, Thomas

Tutorial 9 - Visibility

Chrysanthou, Yiorgos L.
Cohen-Or, Daniel
Bittner, Jiri
Havran, Vlastimil
Slavik, Pavel
Klosowski, James T.
Silva, Claudio T.
Fibich, Gadi
Halperin, Dan
Zadicario, Eyal
Lev-Yehudi, Shuly
Bartz, Dirk
Meißner, Michael
Hüttner, Tobias
Hüttner, Tobias

BibTeX (Tutorials)
booktitle = {
Eurographics 1999 - Tutorials},
editor = { title = {{
Tutorial 1 -Advanced Radiosity:Complex Scenes and Glossy Reflections}},
author = {
Stamminger, Marc
Wexler, Daniel
Kresse, Wolfram
Holzschuch, Nicolas
Christensen, Per H.
}, year = {
publisher = {
Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1017-4656},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Eurographics 1999 - Tutorials},
editor = { title = {{
Tutorial 2 - Level-of-Detail in Surface and Volume Modeling}},
author = {
De Floriani, Leila
Puppo, Enrico
Cignoni, Paolo
Scopigno, Roberto
}, year = {
publisher = {
Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1017-4656},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Eurographics 1999 - Tutorials},
editor = { title = {{
Tutorial 6 - Rendering and Visualization in Parallel Environments}},
author = {
Bartz, Dirk
Schneider, Bengt-Olaf
Silva, Claudio
}, year = {
publisher = {
Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1017-4656},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Eurographics 1999 - Tutorials},
editor = { title = {{
Tutorial 5 - Integrated Environments for Cultural HeritageKnowledgeIntegrated Environments for Cultural HeritageKnowledge}},
author = {
Caputo, B.
Moltedo, L.
Troncone, A.
Vitulano, D.
Pedersini, F.
Sarti, A.
Tubaro, S.
Salvetti, O.
Salonia, P.
Rossi, M.
}, year = {
publisher = {
Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1017-4656},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Eurographics 1999 - Tutorials},
editor = { title = {{
Tutorial 4 - Advanced Graphics Programming using OpenGL and Extensions}},
author = {
Westermann, R.
Heidrich, W.
Sommer, O.
}, year = {
publisher = {
Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1017-4656},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Eurographics 1999 - Tutorials},
editor = { title = {{
Tutorial 7 - 3D Graphics Programming with Java 3D}},
author = {
Nadeau, David R.
Sowizral, Henry A.
}, year = {
publisher = {
Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1017-4656},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Eurographics 1999 - Tutorials},
editor = { title = {{
Tutorial 3 - Whats Happening in Collaborative Engineering?}},
author = {
Machover, Carl
}, year = {
publisher = {
Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1017-4656},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Eurographics 1999 - Tutorials},
editor = { title = {{
Tutorial 8 - Adaptive Graphics Generation in theUser InterfaceAdaptive Graphics Generation in theUser Interface}},
author = {
Rist, Thomas
}, year = {
publisher = {
Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1017-4656},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Eurographics 1999 - Tutorials},
editor = { title = {{
Tutorial 9 - Visibility}},
author = {
Chrysanthou, Yiorgos L.
Cohen-Or, Daniel
Bittner, Jiri
Havran, Vlastimil
Slavik, Pavel
Klosowski, James T.
Silva, Claudio T.
Fibich, Gadi
Halperin, Dan
Zadicario, Eyal
Lev-Yehudi, Shuly
Bartz, Dirk
Meißner, Michael
Hüttner, Tobias
Hüttner, Tobias
}, year = {
publisher = {
Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1017-4656},
DOI = {


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 9 of 9
  • Item
    Tutorial 1 -Advanced Radiosity:Complex Scenes and Glossy Reflections
    (Eurographics Association, 1999) Stamminger, Marc; Wexler, Daniel; Kresse, Wolfram; Holzschuch, Nicolas; Christensen, Per H.
    A lot of research towards global illumination has been focussed on the radiosity method. Nevertheless, it is still a rather academic topic which finds very slowly its way into commercial products. The scope of this tutorial is to describe recent developments in radiosity research that might narrow the gap with commercial applications. The first part of the tutorial course will be given by a pioneer in commercial computer graphics, who will set the stage for the demands of commercial rendering products and assess why radiosity has not been used until now.
  • Item
    Tutorial 2 - Level-of-Detail in Surface and Volume Modeling
    (Eurographics Association, 1999) De Floriani, Leila; Puppo, Enrico; Cignoni, Paolo; Scopigno, Roberto
  • Item
    Tutorial 6 - Rendering and Visualization in Parallel Environments
    (Eurographics Association, 1999) Bartz, Dirk; Schneider, Bengt-Olaf; Silva, Claudio
    The continuing commoditization of the computer market has precipitated a qualitative change. Increasingly powerful processors, large memories, big harddisk, high-speed networks, and fast 3D rendering hardware are now affordable without a large capital outlay. A new class of computers, dubbed Personal Workstations, has joined the traditional technical workstation as a platform for 3D modeling and rendering. In this tutorial, attendees will learn how to understand and leverage both technical and personal workstations as components of parallel rendering systems. The goal of the tutorial is twofold: Attendees will thoroughly understand the important characteristics workstations architectures. We will present an overview of different workstation architectures, with special emphasis on current technical and personal workstations, addressing both single-processors as well as SMP architectures. We will also introduce important methods of programming in parallel environment with special attention how such techniques apply to developing parallel renderers. Attendees will learn about different approaches to implement parallel renderers. The tutorial will cover parallel polygon rendering and parallel volume rendering. We will explain the underlying concepts of workload characterization, workload partitioning, and static, dynamic, and adaptive load balancing. We will then apply these concepts to characterize various parallelization strategies reported in the literature for polygon and volume rendering. We abstract from the actual implementation of these strategies and instead focus on a comparison of their benefits and drawbacks. Case studies will provide additional material to explain the use of these techniques. The tutorial will be structured into two main sections: We will first discuss the fundamentals of parallel programming and parallel machine architectures. Topics include message passing vs. shared memory, thread programming, a review of different SMP architectures, clustering techniques, PC architectures for personal workstations, and graphics hardware architectures. The second section builds on this foundation to describe key concepts and particular algorithms for parallel polygon rendering and parallel volume rendering.
  • Item
    Tutorial 5 - Integrated Environments for Cultural HeritageKnowledgeIntegrated Environments for Cultural HeritageKnowledge
    (Eurographics Association, 1999) Caputo, B.; Moltedo, L.; Troncone, A.; Vitulano, D.; Pedersini, F.; Sarti, A.; Tubaro, S.; Salvetti, O.; Salonia, P.; Rossi, M.
    Restoration and conservation actions on buildings of historic importance are generally performed relying on wide and heterogeneous information de- scribing their degradation status. The high quality of this information is most important for designing appropriate action strategies. Typically, this is a hard task for Cultural Heritage experts not provided with computer sci- ence background and computational tools easy to understand and use. A deep knowledge of the buildings conservation status requires preprocessing of the acquired data, while dedicated procedures generate new data for further processing, integrating for instance techniques for image analysis and synthe- sis. Appropriate fusion of data and efficient ways of information presentation to the user can highlight significant conceptual links. This Tutorial course presents an overview of some fundamental methodologies that must be devel- oped in such integrated environments, and discuss a case study where different computing methodologies are deployed.
  • Item
    Tutorial 4 - Advanced Graphics Programming using OpenGL and Extensions
    (Eurographics Association, 1999) Westermann, R.; Heidrich, W.; Sommer, O.
    With fast 3D graphics hardware becoming more and more available even on low end platforms, the focus in developing new algorithms is beginning to shift towards higher quality rendering and additional functionality instead of simply higher performance implementations of the traditional graphics pipeline. Graphics libraries like OpenGL and its extensions provide access to advanced graphics operations in the geometry and the rasterization stage and therefore allow for the design and implementation of completely new classes of rendering algorithms. Prominent examples can be found in realistic image synthesis (shading, bump/environment mapping, reflections) and scientific visualization applications (volume rendering, vector field visualization, data analysis). OpenGL Optimizer and Cosmo3D, on the other hand, are platformindependent APIs which are supported on SGI workstations and NT systems. Designed as high-end graphics APIs built on top of OpenGL they offer a variety of useful built-in algorithms specifically designed to allow for efficient rendering of complex polygonal models. Cosmo3D, or in the future the Fahrenheit Scene Graph, will be used as a base for different kinds of high-level applications.
  • Item
    Tutorial 7 - 3D Graphics Programming with Java 3D
    (Eurographics Association, 1999) Nadeau, David R.; Sowizral, Henry A.
    Java 3D is a new cross-platform API for developing 3D graphics applications in Java. Its feature set is designed to enable quick development of complex 3D applications and, at the same time, enable fast and efficient implementation on a variety of platforms, from PCs to workstations. Using Java 3D, software developers can build cross-platform applications that build 3D scenes programmatically, or via loading 3D content from VRML, OBJ, and/or other external files. The Java 3D API includes a rich feature set for building shapes, composing behaviors, interacting with the user, and controlling rendering details. In this tutorial, participants learn the concepts behind Java 3D, the Java 3D class hierarchy, typical usage patterns, ways of avoiding common mistakes, animation and scene design techniques, and tricks for increasing performance and realism.
  • Item
    Tutorial 3 - Whats Happening in Collaborative Engineering?
    (Eurographics Association, 1999) Machover, Carl
  • Item
    Tutorial 8 - Adaptive Graphics Generation in theUser InterfaceAdaptive Graphics Generation in theUser Interface
    (Eurographics Association, 1999) Rist, Thomas
    Advances and breakthroughs in the area of computer graphics have made visual media a major ingredient of the modern interface, and it is for sure that graphics will significantly influence the way people communicate and interact with computers in the future. On the other hand, powerful graphical user interfaces cannot be implemented without considering knowledge of the domain, user, task and the peculiarities of human communication. Within the AI community there is the vision of so-called intelligent interfaces with advanced communication skills. Thereby, the attribute "intelligent" refers to the ability to flexibly adapt the way how information is presented to the user as well as the way how the user can interact with an application through the interface. Such adaptive interfaces are advantageous since they can accommodate for a broad variety of different users with varying needs and preferences.
  • Item
    Tutorial 9 - Visibility
    (Eurographics Association, 1999) Chrysanthou, Yiorgos L.; Cohen-Or, Daniel; Fibich, Gadi; Halperin, Dan; Zadicario, Eyal; Lev-Yehudi, Shuly; Bartz, Dirk; Meißner, Michael; Hüttner, Tobias; Hüttner, Tobias; Bittner, Jiri; Havran, Vlastimil; Slavik, Pavel; Klosowski, James T.; Silva, Claudio T.
    The focus of this tutorial is a study of the techniques for solving visibility problems in virtual walkthroughs. The term walkthrough is referring not only to models of architectural models but rather to any large complex model, where the focus is on viewing and rendering the model. The tutorial touches on several applications such as fast visible surface determination, selection of relevant model sections to be transmitted on a client-server system, as well as improving image quality by shading algorithms.