40-Issue 2
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Geometry and Transformations
Restricted Power Diagrams on the GPU
Fast Updates for Least-Squares Rotational Alignment
Navigating and Exploring Images and Videos
Real-Time Frequency Adjustment of Images and Videos
3D and Beyond
Coherent Mark-based Stylization of 3D Scenes at the Compositing Stage
Higher Dimensional Graphics: Conceiving Worlds in Four Spatial Dimensions and Beyond
Texture Defragmentation for Photo-Reconstructed 3D Models
Temporally Reliable Motion Vectors for Real-time Ray Tracing
Rank-1 Lattices for Efficient Path Integral Estimation
A Multiscale Microfacet Model Based on Inverse Bin Mapping
Generative Models
Semantics-Guided Latent Space Exploration for Shape Generation
Towards a Neural Graphics Pipeline for Controllable Image Generation
Write Like You: Synthesizing Your Cursive Online Chinese Handwriting via Metric-based Meta
Deep Rendering
Practical Face Reconstruction via Differentiable Ray Tracing
Learning Multiple-Scattering Solutions for Sphere-Tracing of Volumetric Subsurface Effects
Deep HDR Estimation with Generative Detail Reconstruction
Automatic Surface Segmentation for Seamless Fabrication Using 4-axis Milling Machines
Neural Acceleration of Scattering-Aware Color 3D Printing
Levitating Rigid Objects with Hidden Rods and Wires
Sampling Theory
Correlation-Aware Multiple Importance Sampling for Bidirectional Rendering Algorithms
Cyclostationary Gaussian Noise: Theory and Synthesis
Learning Pose Manifolds and Motor Skills
Learning and Exploring Motor Skills with Spacetime Bounds
LoBSTr: Real-time Lower-body Pose Prediction from Sparse Upper-body Tracking Signals
Mesh Generation
Layout Embedding via Combinatorial Optimization
Geometric Construction of Auxetic Metamaterials
Quad Layouts via Constrained T-Mesh Quantization
Material Acquisition and Estimation
Adversarial Single-Image SVBRDF Estimation with Hybrid Training
Perceptual Quality of BRDF Approximations: Dataset and Metrics
Honey, I Shrunk the Domain: Frequency-aware Force Field Reduction for Efficient Fluids
Two-step Temporal Interpolation Network Using Forward Advection for Efficient Smoke
Patch Erosion for Deformable Lapped Textures on 3D Fluids
Learning from Human Motion
Walk2Map: Extracting Floor Plans from Indoor Walk Trajectories
Learning Human Search Behavior from Egocentric Visual Inputs
Deep Detail Enhancement for Any Garment
Enabling Viewpoint Learning through Dynamic Label Generation
Blue Noise Plots
Shape Analysis
Orthogonalized Fourier Polynomials for Signal Approximation and Transfer
Physically-based Simulation
Physically-based Book Simulation with Freeform Developable Surfaces
Flow Visualization
Curve Complexity Heuristic KD-trees for Neighborhood-based Exploration of 3D Curves
Data Structures
SnakeBinning: Efficient Temporally Coherent Triangle Packing for Shading Streaming
Hierarchical Raster Occlusion Culling
Analyzing and Integrating RGB-D Images
Interactive Photo Editing on Smartphones via Intrinsic Decomposition
RigidFusion: RGB-D Scene Reconstruction with Rigidly-moving Objects
Spatiotemporal Texture Reconstruction for Dynamic Objects Using a Single RGB-D Camera
Skinning and Deformation
MultiResGNet: Approximating Nonlinear Deformation via Multi-Resolution Graphs
Velocity Skinning for Real-time Stylized Skeletal Animation
Expressive Modeling
STALP: Style Transfer with Auxiliary Limited Pairing
Local Light Alignment for Multi-Scale Shape Depiction
BibTeX (40-Issue 2)
@article{10.1111:cgf.142610,journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, title = {{Restricted Power Diagrams on the GPU}},author = {Basselin, JustineandAlonso, LaurentandRay, NicolasandSokolov, DmitryandLefebvre, SylvainandLévy, Bruno}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.},ISSN = {1467-8659},DOI = {10.1111/cgf.142610}}
@article{10.1111:cgf.142611,journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, title = {{Fast Updates for Least-Squares Rotational Alignment}},author = {Zhang, Jiayi ErisandJacobson, AlecandAlexa, Marc}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.},ISSN = {1467-8659},DOI = {10.1111/cgf.142611}}
@article{10.1111:cgf.142612,journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, title = {{Real-Time Frequency Adjustment of Images and Videos}},author = {Germano, Rafael L.andOliveira, Manuel M.andGastal, Eduardo S. L.}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.},ISSN = {1467-8659},DOI = {10.1111/cgf.142612}}
@article{10.1111:cgf.142613,journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, title = {{Coherent Mark-based Stylization of 3D Scenes at the Compositing Stage}},author = {Garcia, MaximeandVergne, RomainandFarhat, Mohamed-AmineandBénard, PierreandNoûs, CamilleandThollot, Joëlle}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.},ISSN = {1467-8659},DOI = {10.1111/cgf.142613}}
@article{10.1111:cgf.142614,journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, title = {{Higher Dimensional Graphics: Conceiving Worlds in Four Spatial Dimensions and Beyond}},author = {Cavallo, Marco}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.},ISSN = {1467-8659},DOI = {10.1111/cgf.142614}}
@article{10.1111:cgf.142615,journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, title = {{Texture Defragmentation for Photo-Reconstructed 3D Models}},author = {Maggiordomo, AndreaandCignoni, PaoloandTarini, Marco}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.},ISSN = {1467-8659},DOI = {10.1111/cgf.142615}}
@article{10.1111:cgf.142616,journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, title = {{Temporally Reliable Motion Vectors for Real-time Ray Tracing}},author = {Zeng, ZhengandLiu, ShiqiuandYang, JingleiandWang, LuandYan, Ling-Qi}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.},ISSN = {1467-8659},DOI = {10.1111/cgf.142616}}
@article{10.1111:cgf.142617,journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, title = {{Rank-1 Lattices for Efficient Path Integral Estimation}},author = {Liu, HongliandHan, HongleiandJiang, Min}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.},ISSN = {1467-8659},DOI = {10.1111/cgf.142617}}
@article{10.1111:cgf.142618,journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, title = {{A Multiscale Microfacet Model Based on Inverse Bin Mapping}},author = {Atanasov, AsenandWilkie, AlexanderandKoylazov, VladimirandKrivánek, Jaroslav}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.},ISSN = {1467-8659},DOI = {10.1111/cgf.142618}}
@article{10.1111:cgf.142619,journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, title = {{Semantics-Guided Latent Space Exploration for Shape Generation}},author = {Jahan, TansinandGuan, YanranandKaick, Oliver van}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.},ISSN = {1467-8659},DOI = {10.1111/cgf.142619}}
@article{10.1111:cgf.142620,journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, title = {{Towards a Neural Graphics Pipeline for Controllable Image Generation}},author = {Chen, XuelinandCohen-Or, DanielandChen, BaoquanandMitra, Niloy J.}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.},ISSN = {1467-8659},DOI = {10.1111/cgf.142620}}
@article{10.1111:cgf.142621,journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, title = {{Write Like You: Synthesizing Your Cursive Online Chinese Handwriting via Metric-based Meta Learning}},author = {Tang, ShusenandLian, Zhouhui}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.},ISSN = {1467-8659},DOI = {10.1111/cgf.142621}}
@article{10.1111:cgf.142622,journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, title = {{Practical Face Reconstruction via Differentiable Ray Tracing}},author = {Dib, AbdallahandBharaj, GauravandAhn, JunghyunandThébault, CédricandGosselin, PhilippeandRomeo, MarcoandChevallier, Louis}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.},ISSN = {1467-8659},DOI = {10.1111/cgf.142622}}
@article{10.1111:cgf.142623,journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, title = {{Learning Multiple-Scattering Solutions for Sphere-Tracing of Volumetric Subsurface Effects}},author = {Leonard, LudwicandHöhlein, KevinandWestermann, Rüdiger}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.},ISSN = {1467-8659},DOI = {10.1111/cgf.142623}}
@article{10.1111:cgf.142624,journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, title = {{Deep HDR Estimation with Generative Detail Reconstruction}},author = {Zhang, YangandAydin, Tunc O.}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.},ISSN = {1467-8659},DOI = {10.1111/cgf.142624}}
@article{10.1111:cgf.142625,journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, title = {{Automatic Surface Segmentation for Seamless Fabrication Using 4-axis Milling Machines}},author = {Nuvoli, StefanoandTola, AlessandroandMuntoni, AlessandroandPietroni, NicoandGobbetti, EnricoandScateni, Riccardo}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.},ISSN = {1467-8659},DOI = {10.1111/cgf.142625}}
@article{10.1111:cgf.142626,journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, title = {{Neural Acceleration of Scattering-Aware Color 3D Printing}},author = {Rittig, TobiasandSumin, DenisandBabaei, VahidandDidyk, PiotrandVoloboy, AlexeyandWilkie, AlexanderandBickel, BerndandMyszkowski, KarolandWeyrich, TimandKrivánek, Jaroslav}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.},ISSN = {1467-8659},DOI = {10.1111/cgf.142626}}
@article{10.1111:cgf.142627,journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, title = {{Levitating Rigid Objects with Hidden Rods and Wires}},author = {Kushner, SarahandUlinski, RisaandSingh, KaranandLevin, David I. W.andJacobson, Alec}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.},ISSN = {1467-8659},DOI = {10.1111/cgf.142627}}
@article{10.1111:cgf.142628,journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, title = {{Correlation-Aware Multiple Importance Sampling for Bidirectional Rendering Algorithms}},author = {Grittmann, PascalandGeorgiev, IliyanandSlusallek, Philipp}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.},ISSN = {1467-8659},DOI = {10.1111/cgf.142628}}
@article{10.1111:cgf.142629,journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, title = {{Cyclostationary Gaussian Noise: Theory and Synthesis}},author = {Lutz, NicolasandSauvage, BasileandDischler, Jean-Michel}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.},ISSN = {1467-8659},DOI = {10.1111/cgf.142629}}
@article{10.1111:cgf.142630,journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, title = {{Learning and Exploring Motor Skills with Spacetime Bounds}},author = {Ma, Li-KeandYang, ZeshiandTong, XinandGuo, BainingandYin, KangKang}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.},ISSN = {1467-8659},DOI = {10.1111/cgf.142630}}
@article{10.1111:cgf.142631,journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, title = {{LoBSTr: Real-time Lower-body Pose Prediction from Sparse Upper-body Tracking Signals}},author = {Yang, DongseokandKim, DoyeonandLee, Sung-Hee}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.},ISSN = {1467-8659},DOI = {10.1111/cgf.142631}}
@article{10.1111:cgf.142632,journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, title = {{Layout Embedding via Combinatorial Optimization}},author = {Born, JanisandSchmidt, PatrickandKobbelt, Leif}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.},ISSN = {1467-8659},DOI = {10.1111/cgf.142632}}
@article{10.1111:cgf.142633,journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, title = {{Geometric Construction of Auxetic Metamaterials}},author = {Bonneau, Georges-PierreandHahmann, StefanieandMarku, Johana}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.},ISSN = {1467-8659},DOI = {10.1111/cgf.142633}}
@article{10.1111:cgf.142634,journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, title = {{Quad Layouts via Constrained T-Mesh Quantization}},author = {Lyon, MaxandCampen, MarcelandKobbelt, Leif}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.},ISSN = {1467-8659},DOI = {10.1111/cgf.142634}}
@article{10.1111:cgf.142635,journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, title = {{Adversarial Single-Image SVBRDF Estimation with Hybrid Training}},author = {Zhou, XilongandKalantari, Nima Khademi}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.},ISSN = {1467-8659},DOI = {10.1111/cgf.142635}}
@article{10.1111:cgf.142636,journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, title = {{Perceptual Quality of BRDF Approximations: Dataset and Metrics}},author = {Lavoué, GuillaumeandBonneel, NicolasandFarrugia, Jean-PhilippeandSoler, Cyril}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.},ISSN = {1467-8659},DOI = {10.1111/cgf.142636}}
@article{10.1111:cgf.142637,journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, title = {{Honey, I Shrunk the Domain: Frequency-aware Force Field Reduction for Efficient Fluids Optimization}},author = {Tang, JingweiandAzevedo, Vinicius C.andCordonnier, GuillaumeandSolenthaler, Barbara}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.},ISSN = {1467-8659},DOI = {10.1111/cgf.142637}}
@article{10.1111:cgf.142638,journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, title = {{Two-step Temporal Interpolation Network Using Forward Advection for Efficient Smoke Simulation}},author = {Oh, Young JinandLee, In-Kwon}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.},ISSN = {1467-8659},DOI = {10.1111/cgf.142638}}
@article{10.1111:cgf.142639,journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, title = {{Patch Erosion for Deformable Lapped Textures on 3D Fluids}},author = {Gagnon, JonathanandGuzmán, Julián E.andMould, DavidandPaquette, Eric}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.},ISSN = {1467-8659},DOI = {10.1111/cgf.142639}}
@article{10.1111:cgf.142640,journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, title = {{Walk2Map: Extracting Floor Plans from Indoor Walk Trajectories}},author = {Mura, ClaudioandPajarola, RenatoandSchindler, KonradandMitra, Niloy}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.},ISSN = {1467-8659},DOI = {10.1111/cgf.142640}}
@article{10.1111:cgf.142641,journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, title = {{Learning Human Search Behavior from Egocentric Visual Inputs}},author = {Sorokin, MaksandYu, WenhaoandHa, SehoonandLiu, C. Karen}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.},ISSN = {1467-8659},DOI = {10.1111/cgf.142641}}
@article{10.1111:cgf.142642,journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, title = {{Deep Detail Enhancement for Any Garment}},author = {Zhang, MengandWang, TuanfengandCeylan, DuyguandMitra, Niloy J.}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.},ISSN = {1467-8659},DOI = {10.1111/cgf.142642}}
@article{10.1111:cgf.142643,journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, title = {{Enabling Viewpoint Learning through Dynamic Label Generation}},author = {Schelling, MichaelandHermosilla, PedroandVázquez, Pere-PauandRopinski, Timo}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.},ISSN = {1467-8659},DOI = {10.1111/cgf.142643}}
@article{10.1111:cgf.142645,journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, title = {{Orthogonalized Fourier Polynomials for Signal Approximation and Transfer}},author = {Maggioli, FilippoandMelzi, SimoneandOvsjanikov, MaksandBronstein, Michael M.andRodolà, Emanuele}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.},ISSN = {1467-8659},DOI = {10.1111/cgf.142645}}
@article{10.1111:cgf.142644,journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, title = {{Blue Noise Plots}},author = {Onzenoodt, Christian vanandSingh, GurpritandRopinski, TimoandRitschel, Tobias}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.},ISSN = {1467-8659},DOI = {10.1111/cgf.142644}}
@article{10.1111:cgf.142646,journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, title = {{Physically-based Book Simulation with Freeform Developable Surfaces}},author = {Wolf, ThomasandCornillère, VictorandSorkine-Hornung, Olga}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.},ISSN = {1467-8659},DOI = {10.1111/cgf.142646}}
@article{10.1111:cgf.142647,journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, title = {{Curve Complexity Heuristic KD-trees for Neighborhood-based Exploration of 3D Curves}},author = {Lu, YuchengandCheng, LuyuandIsenberg, TobiasandFu, Chi-WingandChen, GuoningandLiu, HuiandDeussen, OliverandWang, Yunhai}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.},ISSN = {1467-8659},DOI = {10.1111/cgf.142647}}
@article{10.1111:cgf.142648,journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, title = {{SnakeBinning: Efficient Temporally Coherent Triangle Packing for Shading Streaming}},author = {Hladky, JozefandSeidel, Hans-PeterandSteinberger, Markus}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.},ISSN = {1467-8659},DOI = {10.1111/cgf.142648}}
@article{10.1111:cgf.142649,journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, title = {{Hierarchical Raster Occlusion Culling}},author = {Lee, Gi BeomandJeong, MoonsooandSeok, YechanandLee, Sungkil}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.},ISSN = {1467-8659},DOI = {10.1111/cgf.142649}}
@article{10.1111:cgf.142650,journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, title = {{Interactive Photo Editing on Smartphones via Intrinsic Decomposition}},author = {Shekhar, SumitandReimann, MaxandMayer, MaximilianandSemmo, AmirandPasewaldt, SebastianandDöllner, JürgenandTrapp, Matthias}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.},ISSN = {1467-8659},DOI = {10.1111/cgf.142650}}
@article{10.1111:cgf.142651,journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, title = {{RigidFusion: RGB-D Scene Reconstruction with Rigidly-moving Objects}},author = {Wong, Yu-ShiangandLi, ChangjianandNießner, MatthiasandMitra, Niloy J.}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.},ISSN = {1467-8659},DOI = {10.1111/cgf.142651}}
@article{10.1111:cgf.142652,journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, title = {{Spatiotemporal Texture Reconstruction for Dynamic Objects Using a Single RGB-D Camera}},author = {Kim, HyominandKim, JungeonandNam, HyeonseoandPark, JaesikandLee, Seungyong}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.},ISSN = {1467-8659},DOI = {10.1111/cgf.142652}}
@article{10.1111:cgf.142653,journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, title = {{MultiResGNet: Approximating Nonlinear Deformation via Multi-Resolution Graphs}},author = {Li, TianxingandShi, RuiandKanai, Takashi}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.},ISSN = {1467-8659},DOI = {10.1111/cgf.142653}}
@article{10.1111:cgf.142654,journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, title = {{Velocity Skinning for Real-time Stylized Skeletal Animation}},author = {Rohmer, DamienandTarini, MarcoandKalyanasundaram, NiranjanandMoshfeghifar, FaezehandCani, Marie-PauleandZordan, Victor}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.},ISSN = {1467-8659},DOI = {10.1111/cgf.142654}}
@article{10.1111:cgf.142655,journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, title = {{STALP: Style Transfer with Auxiliary Limited Pairing}},author = {Futschik, DavidandKucera, MichalandLukác, MikeandWang, ZhaowenandShechtman, EliandSýkora, Daniel}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.},ISSN = {1467-8659},DOI = {10.1111/cgf.142655}}
@article{10.1111:cgf.142656,journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, title = {{Local Light Alignment for Multi-Scale Shape Depiction}},author = {Mestres, NolanandVergne, RomainandNoûs, CamilleandThollot, Joëlle}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.},ISSN = {1467-8659},DOI = {10.1111/cgf.142656}}
@article{10.1111:cgf.142657,journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, title = {{EUROGRAPHICS 2021: CGF 40-2 Frontmatter}},author = {Mitra, NiloyandViola, Ivan}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.},ISSN = {1467-8659},DOI = {10.1111/cgf.142657}}