EG 2016 - Posters
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Real-time Rendering of Heterogeneous Translucent Objects using Voxel Number Map
Real-Time Rendering of Heterogeneous Translucent Materials with Dynamic Programming
Rig-Space Motion Retargeting
Efficient Point based Global Illumination on Intel MIC Architecture
Efficient Voxel Marking for Hierarchical Volumetric Fusion
Interactive Additive Diffraction Synthesis
Acceptable System Latency for Gaze-Dependent Level of Detail Rendering
A Practical GPU-accelerated Method for the Simulation of Naval Objects on Irregular Waves
Physically-based Rendering of Highly Scattering Fluorescent Solutions using Path Tracing
Tonal Art Maps with Image Space Strokes
3D Modelling Framework: an Incremental Approach
Interactive Monte-Carlo Ray-Tracing Upsampling
Terracotta Reassembly from Fragments Based on Surface Ornamentation Adjacency Constraints
Real-Time Video Texture Synthesis for Multi-Frame Capsule Endoscopy Visualization
Transferring and Animating a non T-pose Model to a T-pose Model
Augmenting Physical Maps: an AR Platform for Geographical Information Visualization
Conversion of CAD Models to Loop Subdivision Surfaces
A 3D Morphable Model of the Eye Region
Skyglow: Towards a Night-time Illumination Model for Urban Environments
Tiled Depth of Field Splatting
No-infill 3D Printing